abhijña | direct perception |
abhyāsa | practice |
ācārya | teacher, scholar |
advaita | non-duality; incorrectly termed monism; a system of thought and a Vedanta sect founded by Adi Shankara |
ahimsā | non-injury |
ajñāna | ignorance |
ākāsa | space |
ātma | the Self; principle of life and sensation; I AM; subjective moment of consciousness; in the highest sense, the Universal Spirit or the Supreme Soul of the Universe (see Paramatman) |
avidya | nescience; ignorance of our true nature; all consciousness or knowledge, so long as it is restricted to the subject-object manifold |
bīja | seed; source |
bodha | knowledge; Truth |
cakra | wheel; subtle center of energy in the body |